
Lady Porn Day!

Happy Lady Porn Day, perverts! Yes, that's right, it's the first annual day for what should be an everyday event.

Thanks to Rachel Rabbit White, ladies all over the internet are talking about porn and masturbation today. I love to read a feminist's take on porn and the way they take in and talk about their smut of choice. Or in some cases, no smut at all.

Violet will have more on this subject later today, but for now, you should head over to Rabbit Write to check out the stories, links and Tweets about Lady Porn Day. And while you're at it, why not talk to your lady friends about what type of porn they like, favorite links, stories and related activities? After all, men get to do it all the time.

Follow along to the #ladypornday hashtag on Twitter for more info, it's been a popular tag today, so it'll keep those pervy minds busy this afternoon. And then check back later to see Violet's take on all this.

And we don't have a Twitter account, so if someone wanted to Tweet this here blog at #ladypornday, we wouldn't be too opposed.

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