
Cut, Brooklyn.

Remember last weekend, when we introduced you to our new concept about revealing a bit more of our other passions? And how they're all interrelated? Oh, you do? GREAT. Let's get right back into it.

So, Brooklyn. You've probably heard some things. Many great things. Probably some bad things. The bad things you've heard are definitely true. Fortunately, so are the great things. Because of this, we mostly love it here.

What's undeniable is that there's a movement going on here. The model for the creative industry is shifting. The model for music, for film, for publishing, for advertising. The old models are dying, if they're not already dead. Because of this shift, however, something fresh is taking root. People are returning to the idea of handmade objects. Of crafts. Of creating their own products, and ultimately, businesses, born around this central conceit.
Brooklyn certainly isn't the only home to this concept, it's sweeping the nation in the same way it has here, mostly because it has to. With unemployment this high and old industries no longer offering the jobs they once did, necessity takes over and voila, innovation follows.

So while Brooklyn isn't the only city pushing this new model forward, it's astonishingly flush with example after example of people returning to the roots of industry. And Cut Brooklyn is just one of many, many, many examples. Not to mention the Made by Hand team, the crew behind this AMAZING series of videos that are carving their own little niche in the video world.

Dig in. You're not gonna regret this one.


  1. Replies
    1. Hooray for Brooklyn! Hooray for It! Hooray for you saying so. We seriously love this video. And Brooklyn.


  2. Good one, V&R. Everything Made by Hand has done so far is great, looking forward to much more from them.

    1. They really do make lovely, lovely shit. And I want more of it already!


  3. Thanks for sharing this, really enjoyed it.

    1. Really glad to hear that! Thanks for saying so!


  4. I just found your blog today through mydissolutelife. Had me chuckle at this post, since I am part of this ongoing series. How small the world (or at least Brooklyn) is..

    Ps: Love your blog so far, great in its honesty and range of themes.

    Pps: Next film(s) is coming very soon.

    1. That's fucking awesome. And not at all surprising to hear, as Brooklyn is incredibly tiny at the end of the day.

      Great work on the videos, and thanks for the blog love! Hope you stick around these parts with us.

